Our Terms and Conditions

When we undertake repairs or modifications, we ask you to read and understand our terms and conditions.  In short, we undertake to do our best to repair your item, we make no guarantees and we do not accept risk beyond our agreed estimate.  Below are our detailed terms and conditions.  Upon request we will always provide a copy of these terms and conditions prior to accepting items for repair or modification.  


We will require you to complete details of who you are and how to contact you, and a brief description of the item and repair or modification you want us to do. We will provide an estimate if agreed, and we will ask you to confirm your acceptance of these conditions.

The following are our standard terms and conditions for acceptance of items for repair or modification. No variation of these terms will be valid unless agreed in writing between us.

You acknowledge that you have requested repair or modification to the item described below and agree to pay the charges for our services.  You warrant that you are the owner of the equipment provided for repair or that you have the express authority of the owner to request repair.  In either case, you are solely responsible for payment of all charges incurred. You acknowledge that in some cases we may determine that a repair may not be possible or may be uneconomic.  We will advise you accordingly and will charge costs incurred to that point. 

We agree we have accepted the item on the terms herein and will perform the work requested to the best of our ability, with due care and professional skill. 

Charges will be invoiced immediately on completion of the work and payment in full is due within 10 working days of the invoice date. A $10.00 fee will be added to any charges overdue after 10 days and any costs, including our administration costs, incurred in collection after 1 calendar month overdue will be charged in addition.  Interest may accrue on outstanding balances after 2 calendar months overdue.  Additional charges may be waived if agreed and arrangements are made to complete outstanding payments.  Payment is accepted by direct bank transfer according to the terms included herein.  If cash payment is preferred a receipted invoice will be provided. 

minimum charge of $40.00 applies in every case where an item is accepted for repair.  Payment of this charge is required on demand at our sole discretion, and may be required prior to any assessment or repair.  Payment of all charges may be completed online here or by direct bank transfer to our bank account on request. 

An estimate may be provided on request and at our discretion.  When an estimate has been provided, we will complete our work within the estimate or where that is not possible, we will seek your verbal or written agreement for any increase in charges.  Should you not agree, we will cease work and return the item to you in a similar condition to that in which we received it.

 In any event, our liability is limited to the estimated cost of repairs.  All items are accepted at your own risk beyond that liability.  

We warrant that the repairs we complete will be executed with due care and to accepted professional standards, however due to the nature of our work we cannot provide any guarantee against future failures.  When we agree that our work was not satisfactory, we will repair the item at our own cost, provided we are advised within 1 calendar month of our original invoice date.